January is almost here…time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Resolutions are on the rise and most include having a healthier year. After the over indulgence on holiday treats, January is a great time to start a detoxification regiment and lay the foundation to wellness!
Detoxification is important in order for your body to function at optimum efficiency. This will promote healing, increase immunity and allow an overall feeling of well-being. Detoxing can resolve chronic aches/pains, allergies, weight management and increase energy levels. It involves cleansing the system of harsh chemicals (food additives, preservatives, flavorings, colors/dyes, pesticides, heavy metals), irritants (food sensitivities including corn, wheat, soy, dairy, sugar, eggs, peanuts), stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, MSG, Aspartame, Sucralose) and depressants (alcohol). Obviously, this is not something that can be done overnight, but don’t despair! There are many great resources to help you along the way.
Depending on where you are on your road to health, different measures should be taken. Always follow close supervision from a professional. If this is your first detox, it may be a better idea to start to add in cleansing foods to slowly start the process, rather than briskly rush toxins through your system which can be harsh on your body and actually make you feel worse. If you are further along in your healthy living, an elimination diet will be more appropriate. If this is the case, on your next visit to Wholistic Healing Chiropractic, muscle testing can be done to see which diet is right for you during your detoxification process. Either way, if you are just beginning your journey or currently living a healthy lifestyle, the detox footbath is a helpful tool to cleanse your system! Read more about the detox footbath here.
Along with cleansing, it is important to replace the bad with good. When going through a detox, your digestive system will be changing PH levels, absorption levels, permeability and bacterial lining. It is important that you give your digestive lining the ingredients necessary to replenish and work properly. The first that I would start with is a high quality probiotic. The probiotics Wholistic Healing carries are living cultures of a healthy balance of intestinal flora that support immune function and decrease colony populations of harmful bacteria. This formula contains FOS molecules which attract bifidobacteria in the gut. Another helpful product Wholistic Healing has available is GreensFirst, a supplement high in fiber containing vegetable ingredients to give you the nutrients, vitamins and fiber that you will need. You may also need a supplement to support liver, kidney or digestive function, if these meridians show up during your visit. It is important that you get muscle tested for supplements before taking them.
If you have any questions or are ready to start your detoxification program, give us a call today!
Essential Oils & Headaches
2 years ago
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