Obama's health care reform bill scares me. A lot. You need to read Health Ranger "What's Really in Obama's Health Care Reform," which he double checked from a posting from freerepublic.com. The healthcare bill itself is 1,017 pages long and I don't know about you, but I don't have the time or the legislative knowledge to sit down and decode that. The points that I reallllly don't like:
1) The government will set doctor wages. (Gee thanks, because I already make so much as it is.)
2) Healthcare will be rationed. This includes emergency services, cancer treatment, you name it. (Chiropractic should be more important to you now to make sure you don't get sick!)
3) Any employer who wants to use private insurance will have a mandatory audit.
4) The government will decide what treatment and beneifts you receive (and guess what...there is no appeals process.)
5) All non-US citizens, illegal or not will get free health insurance.
It goes on and on and on...how the taxes for employers making a certain payroll will be, how individuals who choose not to go under the plan will have to pay extra tax, how any illegal alien will not have to pay ANY taxes...it's just INSANE! How can anyone who reads that and understands it really vote to pass it? Surely it won't pass, right?
Essential Oils & Headaches
2 years ago
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