I would say that most of the time I go through different experiences and really question what God wanted me to learn. This week, however, I got the message loud and clear. I hear you God, OK, now hopefully I've learned my lesson and this difficulty I have won't be such an issue anymore, right? Then why do I have a pit in my stomach even just typing that...ugh. Oh well, I digress...
Remember one of my last posts I shared with you all how I was feeling used and walked on? Well, if you recall, I didn't do anything about it except whine. Obviously I didn't learn much from it, eh? Well, maybe that's why God decided to give me the week that i had last week.
Does anyone else out there have trouble with confrontation? It's not even so much that I have trouble with it, but that I tend to swing way too far one way or the other. It's either I confront you and tell you how horrible you are and we are forever enemies, or (what usually happens) is I decide to let things slide and hope that you will come around and realize your rudeness or selfishness or insert hurtful adjective here. In the business world, that doesn't so much happen. Weird, I know, that's what I thought. You would think that people would have the same morals, ethics and kindness when doing business that they would otherwise have when dealing with their family or friends.
Well, I'm going to give a big thanks to our condo management company, our Chamber of Commerce, a fellow doctor and others (you know who you are) who really pushed me to learn when to say "uncle." I had to stand up to each and every one of you and I didn't get to say that we are forever enemies because I have to work with you whether I like it or not.
Now if I could just work on that poker face and not let them see how hurt and full of emotion I was when discussing with them...
Essential Oils & Headaches
2 years ago
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