I log into my yahoo page and look at the top stories: "Despite mandatory childhood vaccinations, chickenpox is on the rise in North Texas." Interesting. It states that as of 2001, Texas requires all children entering kindergarten to receive the chickenpox vaccination. I have to question the reasoning behind this. Is it merely for convenience purposes (I don't have time for my child to be sick) or is it monetary (whoever makes that vaccine is now rolling in dough and the FDA actually may be receiving kick backs for mandating it). I don't really see any other purpose to eradicate chickenpox. It can be serious in adult cases where the adult was never exposed to the virus and it can lead to shingles later on in life but a mandatory vaccination? Really? Well, it must really be working well considering the rise in chickenpox AFTER the vaccination has been out for a while. Ha. Way to go FDA! Thanks for making the chickenpox mutate and become a serious illness where before it was a mild childhood nuisance.
I often have parents question the debate on vaccinations. It is a highly controversial debate and ultimately up to the parents. In no way am I telling people not to vaccinate their children. That being said, I have done much research and know that I, personally will not be giving a majority of the vaccinations. The facts are astounding.
The Institute of Medicine held a meeting to review research that has been found, which links thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative in vaccines, and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. The panel used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Datalink, which concluded that children who are given three thimerosal-containing vaccines are 27 times more likely to develop autism than children who receive thimerosol-free vaccines.
Thimerosal has been gradually removed from vaccines since 1999, however it is still present in many vaccinations, including virtually all flu shots.
During the review, medical experts discussed the results from a study that showed urinary mercury concentrations were six times higher in children with autism, as opposed to normal-age/vaccine matched controls. They also said that they found evidence that suggested the link between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism had a higher risk than that between lung cancer and smoking cigarettes.
Let's face it, mercury is a potent neurotoxin. Injecting it into a child with a rapidly developing nervous system can have terrible consequences. Consequences that go way past having a fever, malaise, fatigue, irratability, nausea and pain at the injection sight of the vaccination.
It is true that in many childhood vaccines, the mercury has now been removed -- but only to be replaced with equally damaging toxins such as aluminum and formaldehyde.
Here is a partial list of some of the other fillers that vaccines can contain:
-aluminum hydroxide
-animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick embryo, human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)
-monosodium glutamate (MSG)
-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
Parents feel guilty if they don't give their kids vaccinations. There are billboards across town with toddlers in diapers and their building blocks spelling out "vaccinate." Ads are placed in the newspaper. The FDA has once again successfully misguided the public into thinking that without vaccinations, their child may catch a dread disease. Go to the CDC website and don't just glance at their charts, read up on where the data came from, the exact numbers, and just how prevalent the disease is in your area. Mike recently had to go to India. If you go to the CDC website, it pretty much spells out death without a handful of vaccinations. I could go through the list and point and laugh at each one individually, but I will spare you. Anyway, after researching it, we found the stats were mere "guesses" and anyone in the country who exhibited suspicious symptoms was diagnosed as having Hepatitis B, polio, malaria or some other dread disease. Needless to say, Mike ate, slept, bathed and lived in nasty India for 2.5 weeks without vaccinations and came back disease free (not that we didn't have a vigorous detox and adjusting party upon his arrival).
And even then, the immune system is an amazing thing! Naomi Judd is at the Parker Seminars in Vegas every year. She was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, a serious illness with a fatal prognosis. Through nutrition, supplementation, adjustments and detoxification there is no illness present to date.
You might be amazed to find out that your child is building his/her own immune system on their own without vaccinations and thus making it harder for those mean bugs to penetrate later on! Take care of your children the way that you are comfortable taking care of them. In my opinion, prevention is key but it's not through vaccinations; it's through building the immune system not breaking it down with harsh preservatives.
Essential Oils & Headaches
2 years ago
hmmmmm...so are you planning on homeschooling? Because don't schools require these vaccinations? I am a supporter of homeschooling :) but I am also terrified of skipping the shots. Having had one baby die, the thought of another dying of something I COULD have prevented scares me. And yes, I know that one can die because of the things I did to prevent said death. So, I think, all in all, we just have to pick one and trust His will. Which is a lot easier said than done...
But thanks for scaring the peepee out of me ;) lol
I had heard some of the things you are talking about such as autism being related to vaccinations and some of the yucky things that are in vaccinations, but like Stephanie, I am very leary about not getting my kids vaccinated. Maybe I'm not as educated as I need to be and I'm just following doctor's/media/school's advice...anyway I absolutely know that you know what you're talking about.
How come schools require vaccinations if they're not the best for kids?
I know I would have to get them for our kids. I would be too scared if we didn't.
We frown on the parents that don't keep their kid's vaccinations up to date when they come into the ER.
You actually do have a choice. You just sign a waiver with the school. They "require" them as a liability to cover themselves. Some vaccinations I understand even thought I probably won't give, but when it comes to the flu and chickenpox??? Ridiculous! There's really no reason for those and most other things that are eradicated and they still give shots for. Did you not see what your shooting into your child's body with those shots? If I felt qualified to homeschool I probably would! But...I don't. Plus, I was so shy and if I have shy children they will never learn to socialize without school. I worry about that.
Okay, we need something new Jen....please!!!! Where are you? :(
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