Who knew a week could fly by so fast? A very busy week, I suppose. Valentine's Day was great for me too! Mike had told me in advance that he was getting me Godiva chocolates and he had made dinner plans for a Japanese Steakhouse. He gets so excited about his plans that he can't wait, so I got it out of him like a week before! Hehe. That morning he had called me and kept asking if I was going home for lunch which I hadn't planned on but found the time for anyway. When I walked in, he had small pieces of paper held down by Hershey's kisses. Each one led to the other and he had written comments that said "This kiss is for..." and they eventually led up to a bunch of kisses that said " I heart U!" and a dozen red roses. So sweet and thoughtful.
Also, this week, I got to spend time with my friend's 8 year old little boy. Mike had to fly to California for his manager's funeral Saturday night and my friend had plans so I offered to keep her son. We had so much fun! We ordered pizza and rented an XBox game and played all night and all morning until we beat it just in time for his mom to come and get him. He cracks me up. He's lived in Dallas for almost 4 years but still has a huge West Texas accent. While we were looking at video games, he would say "That game there sure is a good game, Jen." You can take the boy out of West Texas, but you can't take the West Texas out of the boy. Lol. What a gem.
Essential Oils & Headaches
1 year ago
Oh Wow! You did have a good Valentine's. That's a neat thing that Mike did for you!
What happened to suprises? :) How creative of Mike!! That's a really good idea. Sounds like y'all had a good one. Way to go, Mike!!
who are you? why do i have your blog?
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