Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wholistic Healing Chiropractic

Ok, not to overwhelm you with blog posts, but I totally forgot what made me especially busy this week...I've decided to open a practice in Southlake, Texas! It's just outside of Dallas near DFW airport. It's a beautiful community; a very wealthy area known for it's excellent school systems and football program. It was actually rated in the top 20 cities of the US by Money Magazine and others.

So, above is my logo and the name of my clinic and I've started looking for space. I'll probably be opening for business in Julyish. Be praying for me! I need reasonable rent, equipment and some swift but smart decision making skills! Oddly enough, I feel very at peace and relaxed about the situation. That could be because I haven't faced major decisions yet and it's still a ways down the road or it could be what I've been praying about for the past year...peace and a sense of finding the correct path. We shall see!


Stephanie said...

I like the name and logo! Very nice. Do you have partners? Or is it just you?

Sounds like a good plan!

Dr Mark Schulman ChiroBlogg said...

Good Luck to you. Get some business cards made up and use your cell phone as the comtact on the card so you can begin meeting people. Where there is a will there is a way

Princeton NJ

Jennifer said...

Congratulations Jen! How exciting!! You're in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

OVERWHELM us with blog posts??!! Yeah right!! There is no such thing, Jen!! I am so excited about your upcoming practice. I love the name of it, also.